Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Working dog shots & thoughts of winter

Tweed waiting for his turn at the Kathy Knox clinic

"Lie down" this is NOT Zeke

My little Tweedy growing up, he is working in the field

Zeke waiting for the next command

Tweedy working my Shetlands and BFL

Zeke's not Tweed and Tweed's not Zeke.  No kiddin'......This past weekend that couldn't have been more clear to me than when I worked the boys at a Kathy Knox clinic.  Phew!  What a brainful!!!  Both boys showed what we needed work on and displayed improvement from last time.  For me, that is proof we are moving in the right direction.  I got homework to work on and am looking forward to putting it to work.  It gets more and more challenging for me to work/train and handle the two of them as I don't think they could be more different.  I look forward to the winter training season.  It's fascinating for me to watch how each of them handles new situations, while challenging  myself to see situations for what they are & what can I do to gain better understanding for the three of us.  Our short list of to do's is below
  Zeke and I will be practicing whistles close at hand so I can make sure we get understanding before stretching it out.  I am hoping to get to a few trials with Zeke this winter. 

Tweed and I will work on proper shape of our flanks and be a little more "spicy" as I like to call it on our fetches.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Why did I say yes to this…..

Really?? What was I thinking when I said sure, let’s cider the sheep this year….I’ll tell you what I was thinking….I was thinking it wasn’t gonna be me “administering” the plugs. Ahhh, now I get to add another chapter in my life that I am pretty darn sure I could have lived without. Augh, you know more will be on the blog about that once said task is complete.

As you can tell I’ve been horribly neglecting & ignoring my blog. Not really, just super busy. This summer was one of sheepdog training and not so much trialing. I did get to my goal of trialing Zeke in Pro-Novice. Now to get him solid on his whistles, or is that me solid at blowing whistles. Hmmm….Yet again my dogs have to put up with me learning and practicing something I will use on them. Truly, my border collies are saints. My whistling has been such a journey. Maybe this is why I played the piano as a kid. Wind instruments and I have notoriously not gotten along :). Poor Zeke, I swear I can see him look at me and go “hey crazy lady what the hell was that noise?!?!? And does the spit flying out of your whistle is that supposed to mean anything????” Tweed has yet to be tortured by my whistles but he will not be immune. Soon, very soon the “tiny man” will be experiencing a melodious song from my whistle! Ha! Poor dogs!  I imagine Tweed might shoot me a look much like this but with squinty eyes!

Once summer got here our nice green pasture dried up and I had to start feeding hay earlier than anticipated . This has been my first year shepherding our flock. It’s been full of opportunities for learning, cursing, knowing when to ask for HELP!!!! and most importantly when to go to the doctor….. Did I mention I ended up with poison oak all over me? OH yes, that was fun, especially when you sit in it for half a day fixing fences and realize only AFTER you sat in poison oak. Wow! Good times I tell ya, itchin’ good times. Oh the things I get myself into. I will plug Calagel as a great soothing lotion/gel that works super on poison oak.
This summer also marks the last year that I manage the vendor trade show at Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival, otherwise known as OFFF. A show I love dearly, but managing the vendor trade show part is just not fitting into my life. I hand that task off to Barbara and wish her much success. I know she will do a superb job!

More to come, I'm shearing sheep this weekend.  That ought to yield a few good stories!!!  But mainly just wanted ya’ll to know I’m still kickin’

Monday, July 4, 2011

Time and miles pay off

Happy Fourth of July!!  I hope everyone is celebrating our independence, we truly do live in the greatest nation!

This weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to sheepdog trial at the beautiful Magnolia Farms in Roseburg.  Lovely location, great competitors and of course the gracious hosts, Elissa and Mel. 

Zeke & I have moved up to Pro-Novice.  For me that was big step that came with lots anticipation & stress, but in my heart I knew it was the right thing to do.  I am happy to say we did a good job.  The Pro-novice course is significantly longer and more complicated than the Novice level we competed in last year.  Below I've outlined what is required on each course

Novice Novice
  • Short outrun/gather of sheep
  • Turn your sheep around the handler's post
  • Sometimes a short drive out to panels
  • Pen your sheep in a free standing pen
  • Course time: 2-3 minutes
  • Outrun/gather significantly longer for the dog to go get the sheep
  • Turn your sheep around the handler's post
  • Drive your sheep out to panels
  • Turn your sheep and drive them parellel(cross drive) across the field to another set of panels
  • Bring your sheep back and pen them in a free standing pen
  • Depending on the size of the course you will get 5-6 minutes
Did I mention all of this is done by the dog, because the handler is required to stay at the post.  Clear communication & a good working relationship with your dog is a must.  Zeke and I have been working on both.
If I read the scores correctly I believe we came in 6th out of 14.  Not bad for completing our first Pronovice course.  With any competition it also gives you a view on what needs work. 

Zeke's list
Taking commands when issued. We left points on the field because one red dog didn't do as asked.

My list
Get that red dog on whistles!!! It is REALLY embarrassing to be hollaring at your dog, due to the shear size of the field the entire course when a nice sweet whistle could get the job done. Plus it takes out the emotion should you experience a little stress at the post! :)

Watch the sheep, I do feel I did a better job with that this trial, but I need to keep remembering to watch my sheep

alright enough chatter outta me. Now for the pictures!!

to the post

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lambs, got 'em coming out my ears!

So we had lambs show up in the field a couple of weeks ago that were unexpected.  Oops!!!  4 ram lambs and 1 ewe lamb. 

Phoebe and her twins - soon to be a wether and a ewe

 Phoebe's ewe lamb

Bertie - part of the planned babies

Group photo of the flock, not all, just the ones that wanted their picture taken!

A couple of thank you shout outs are due!!! 
  • Lora for showing me how to wether a ram lamb!!!
  • Sally for trusting me with the care of our flock
  • Zeke for being my right hand.... without you red dog, this would be a whole hell of a lot harder to pull off.  You give your all every, single time.  We done good red dog, we done real good!!
I have learned so much by having my own flock, I really can't put it all into words.  I learn something everytime I am out in the field.  It's immense, amazing and so very rewarding.  I owe a great thanks to Sally, my friend and co-owner of this wonderful flock we call Sleepy Hollow Shetlands.  She trusted me to shepherd this flock and boy howdy, I have learned an immense amount in a short time....still learning too, I might add.  They aren't the easiest to herd but I rarely do things that are easy.....accidentily or on purpose.....it just seems to be my nature.

Zeke, what can I say.... I love, love love my red dog!!!!  He and I have a deep bond.  I knew it the minute he walked through my door a little over 3 years ago.  My bond and understanding of Zeke has grown so much since we moved the flock to be tended under my care.  The interaction that he has with our flock is amazing to me.  I swear I can see him plotting the next move.  That doesn't mean we don't have mis-understandings or stubborn moments, oh we do.  But I have learned to work through them and come out on the other side a better shepherd for it.... I also might add a happier Zeke!

My Tweedie Pie!  I would be remiss if I didnt' include him in all of our sheep wrangling.  Though he has yet to work our flock of Shetlands, I feel another deep, wonderful bond with him as well.  Almost 18 months and already he is one heck of border collie!  He has been so much fun and rewarding to train.  Clean slate and ready to go.  Tweed is definately different than Zeke in every fabulous way possible.  He has taught me my voice and why exactly, I need to control it.  He has taught me about pressure, and last but not least.... to mean what I say and the importance of keeping my hands in my pocket!  I can tell you so much learning is going on with Tweed that I can't possibly put it all down in a post. 

how could you not just love this face!?!?!?! - thanks Lora for capturing all that we call Tweed

working dog shot....I love Tweed, that's it, that's all, nuf said!

I am not that articulate, though I wish I was.  I am more of a deep feeling person, that is challenged to put this experience into words.  Really, all you need to know is that my boys mean the world to me and I am thankful for everything they teach me.  This journey has been full of blood, sweat, tears and fabulous moments that I cherish deeply, I am so thankful for Zeke, Tweed and my sheep.  

That'll do boys, that'll do.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Some of my sheep greeted me at the gate today when I went to check on them. That's Bridgette in front, always first to see what goodies I might have for my wee sheepies

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Trio of lambies

Here's her twin, Midge

The lambies are coming!! The lambies are coming!!

This is our first set of twins!! I am a little slow at getting the pics posted but better late than never!

Spring chores: shearing, done

According to the calendar spring is here.... Hmmm...ok the weather is not really participating but, there it is. Welcome to livin in the PNW.

Shearing went really well for us last weekend. Thank you to Lora, Sharon and of course our shearer Jenny thanks girls for the laughs and good time!!! Ready to do that again come Fall?

Now the decision of what to do with the wool.... Roving or yarn... If yarn, what weight....oh all the decisions & dont forget to add, do I want to have some of the white fiber dyed. Ok it's not really that stressful, more fun for me really. I've picked put a couple of sweater patterns I like.....oh, I should probably think about selling some of my yarn too. I've been ruminating over some yarn blends that will be putting together. What do you think of Shetland, silk & bunny
Shetland, BFL & Alpaca
Shetland, Silk and Merino
Can't wait to see how those turn out

Monday, March 14, 2011

Before and After Shearing

Before and After Shearing my Satin X German Giant Angora Bunny


1 hour and 9 oz of fiber later

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What's on my mind

It's not my job to know when, why or how...just to have faith, be open and take the opportunity when it presents itself

Quote of the week

I'm putting that quote in the daily reminder

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Too cute to resist!!!

Are you supposed to be on the bed, Tweed???