Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflection on my 2012 vision board

Vision Board 2012

As I am looking at my vision board I see a whole host of accomplishments that I achieved.   Some tangible, a few emotional and a smattering on self-improvement. A number of them have a very deep rooted meaning now within me.  This is the first time I’ve put together a vision board of this nature and size.  I am so thankful that I did. 

The picture of a handler at the post running their dog is of special meaning to me as I ran my new dog Sally this year.  I had no intention of running her at a trial only after adding her to our home after 4-5 short months.  My focus & commitment was on building our relationship.  That’s it.  Much to my surprise we did extremely well as far as placement goes, more importantly I got to feel for the first time what it was like when a dog gets a hold of her sheep and I also learned there is still a plenty of road for me to travel training-wise too.  I still get a very warm fuzzy feeling when I think about that day.

Zeke and Tweed made huge strides in their herding training as well.  I am very thankful for them.  There were days that I wasn’t sure who had more patience….Me teaching them or them teaching me.  Thankfully I am getting better too or I am pretty sure the lot of them would have made me wear a t-shirt that says….  “Handler, free to good home”

Several pictures of food are placed on my vision board as well.  This year was very kind to me as far as time goes.  I found quite a bit more time to sit and write recipes, test them and of course enjoy the fruits of my labor. 
Frog Cupcake I created for a baby shower

Numerous word phrases are scattered throughout my board.  I put them there as I wanted to focus on some self- improvement.  I felt like I was the end of the yarn ball,  a little frayed when I finally did sit down to create my 2012 vision board.  So….what better than to put what you want to focus on up on the board.

I am relaxed – This one I tend to be…..searching for the right words here….passive/aggressive maybe…...  Getting too relaxed then getting angry for letting things get too relaxed.  Still playing with being relaxed, but not letting it all hang out either.  This one will be a carry over to 2013

I am blessed & I am thankful – A not so subtle reminder that I have a ton of blessings to be thankful for.  A loving & patient husband, my family and friends who love and support me, fabulous dogs, a welcoming home, my farm critters & my creativity.  Just to name a few. 

I trust myself – This one meant NO SECOND guessing my decision.  I’m gonna leave that one right there.

I am happy – This one is in a similar vein as I am blessed.  Whenever I wasn’t happy I asked why?  Then how did I get to that unhappy place.  Did I allow someone else to take me there?  Usually it wasn’t long before I had my answer.

I am focused & I am committed – This meant giving up a few responsibilities and focusing on what I am already doing so not to spread myself too thin.  Also after the devasting loss of 5 of my lambs this year to a coyote hit I realized that I need to be more focused on making sure my flock has a protector.  I committed to finding out my what my choices were for flock guardianship and with the help and guidance from close friends/fellow shepherdesses I selected a llama.  It truly has been a gift that keeps on giving.  Not a day goes by that Talja doesn’t give me a story or a chuckle with her antics.  I truly believe she has come home to our farm.   

I know as I continue to sit and write out my 2013 vision board and goals I will remember other things that I should include, I am good with this.  That’ll do

There are more pictures and sayings....the one that roots beneath all that I experienced this year is….. 

 Inspiration can be found in the most unlikely places

Through inspiration from those most unlikely places….. I have dared greatly like never before.  You know what is really exciting?  It’s that I know in my heart this is only the beginning. 

2013, I hope you are ready for me

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Meet Fred and Ginger

It was time to add a few more Call Ducks.  Meet Fred & Ginger, they are Blue Fawn in variety.  They aren't quite used to our place yet.  In time I'm sure they will love it here.