My list of to do's
- Bake a birthday dessert from scratch.... Peach & Cherry Frangipane Tart
- Repair fencing on my sheep ranch
- Work my border collies on sheep
- Colored my hair, my stylist is outta town
- Do two loads of laundry
- Take pictures of Stu, the hottest rooster in Talbot (he made me add that)
- Knitted for an hour with my sheeps wool on a winter sweater
Stewey, Blue Copper Maran Rooster
He just loves to have his picture taken. He actually stopped so that I could take these shots
What a camera hog!
What a ham bone
I couldn't resist taking some shots of this little cutie either. This is Sally, our latest family member. She is my Shetland sheep herder extrodinare. She has my sheep's number like no other. Grace, smarts, clever and the cutest beauty marks on her sweet little face. My sheep don't think she's so sweet, but that is their problem. I encouraged them to make a complaint to farm management :)
Humor me a little as I imagine a conversation that Sally and I would have after sheep herding today
Sally: [Sigh]....Are you taking pictures again?
Charlotte: Yes, Sally I should get used to it
Sally: Did you at least get my cute side?
Charlotte: Sally, all of your sides are cute!!!
Sally: Oh yeah, I forgot! Silly me!!! Hey, the sheep wanted to know where the complaint box was
Charlotte: What did you tell them?
Sally: I told them Tweed shredded it. :)
Charlotte: Lovely, Sal
Does it get more adorable than this little sweetie????
And of course, here is the Peach Cherry Frangipane Tart....Just for your Lori L.
Finnoulla and her little baby, I always love her little babes