Monday, July 4, 2011

Time and miles pay off

Happy Fourth of July!!  I hope everyone is celebrating our independence, we truly do live in the greatest nation!

This weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to sheepdog trial at the beautiful Magnolia Farms in Roseburg.  Lovely location, great competitors and of course the gracious hosts, Elissa and Mel. 

Zeke & I have moved up to Pro-Novice.  For me that was big step that came with lots anticipation & stress, but in my heart I knew it was the right thing to do.  I am happy to say we did a good job.  The Pro-novice course is significantly longer and more complicated than the Novice level we competed in last year.  Below I've outlined what is required on each course

Novice Novice
  • Short outrun/gather of sheep
  • Turn your sheep around the handler's post
  • Sometimes a short drive out to panels
  • Pen your sheep in a free standing pen
  • Course time: 2-3 minutes
  • Outrun/gather significantly longer for the dog to go get the sheep
  • Turn your sheep around the handler's post
  • Drive your sheep out to panels
  • Turn your sheep and drive them parellel(cross drive) across the field to another set of panels
  • Bring your sheep back and pen them in a free standing pen
  • Depending on the size of the course you will get 5-6 minutes
Did I mention all of this is done by the dog, because the handler is required to stay at the post.  Clear communication & a good working relationship with your dog is a must.  Zeke and I have been working on both.
If I read the scores correctly I believe we came in 6th out of 14.  Not bad for completing our first Pronovice course.  With any competition it also gives you a view on what needs work. 

Zeke's list
Taking commands when issued. We left points on the field because one red dog didn't do as asked.

My list
Get that red dog on whistles!!! It is REALLY embarrassing to be hollaring at your dog, due to the shear size of the field the entire course when a nice sweet whistle could get the job done. Plus it takes out the emotion should you experience a little stress at the post! :)

Watch the sheep, I do feel I did a better job with that this trial, but I need to keep remembering to watch my sheep

alright enough chatter outta me. Now for the pictures!!

to the post