Ty is almost four months and owned by my friend Erika. By the looks of it he is getting good at sit!! Good boy Ty!!
Adventures in raising Shetland sheep for yarn with help from a few border collies and two adorable llamas
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Too Cute Tuesday
Meet Tweed's new friend Ty. This shot captured at puppy class. Perfect pic for too cute Tuesday
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Winter is here
I do believe that winter is here. The rain would not let up on the weekend, so inside we stayed. Time to drag out all those crafty projects. I felted a couple of flowers for Christmas presents, got to knit a couple more rows on my mobious (sp?) shawl and bake a Linzer tart. Mmm! This is what I love about winter here in the valley. It reminds me of all the fun things to do inside
Monday, December 6, 2010
Happy Birthday Tweed
Happy Birthday Tweed!!
I never realized how fast a year passes until I got a puppy. I remember getting the call from Lora informing me of the joyous news. Nell has had her pups!
I swear BC pups grow faster than Shelties, it's probably just their size. I would have like to had Tweed little for a bit longer. He was a great puppy, still is, but he is definitely MUCH bigger than at 12 weeks old.I can only post one picture at a time since we are still computer-less. Growl. I will post more pictures once I get it backTweed at 5-6 weeks, I think. ;)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Not gonna fight
I had a to do a few chores while checking on my sheep, tweak the pen I had set up the week before, hang the mineral feeder and prop the door open on the barn so my sheep could find shelter at night or in bad weather. Last but not least, I thought I would work Zeke on the sheep for a spell. I can tell you today was NOT the day to work Zeke. One or both us was off today. He was not taking the commands I gave him. In general, just being far too stubborn for my liking. So it was a "time out" for Zekie. I messed around in the barn getting my chores done then got him out again to see if he had a change of behavior. Nope! Mister stubborn it was. His flanks were nice, I will say that, but lie down seemed to be missing today. The sheep stayed in the same place as he flanked around them but again, lie down seemed to have been left at home. Hmmmm, alright, I am not going to fight with him and I wasn't feelin' it so back to the truck he went. Some days are for sheep herding and some aren't.....Today was one of "those" days.
I ended today with a nice long walk for all the pooches. Time to think, reflect on the week and room to stretch the legs and let my mind wander......that seemed to be what everyone needed.

I ended today with a nice long walk for all the pooches. Time to think, reflect on the week and room to stretch the legs and let my mind wander......that seemed to be what everyone needed.

Nice red dog decoration, eh?
Phoebe, Simone, Wendy, Finnoula, Esme and "that darn little black wether" are present in this pic
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Starting out and moving up
As promised, here are pictures of Tweed herding sheep. I am thrilled with him on all levels. He is the sweetest puppy and a joy to train, on and off sheep. He will be turning 10 months very soon. Hard to believe that time has flown by so fast.
Zeke and I will be moving to Pro-Novice for sheepdog trials here this winter. I'm a little nervous but I know I'm not the first one to do this and most certainly not the last. Pull up yer boot straps, it's time to make progress girlfriend! I am a big fan of positive thinking (thanks mom & dad) I love looking forward to what the future holds. You don't get anywhere by standing still.
I read the Mental Management newsletter and really enjoyed the article on competition this month. It's not about winning or losing, it's winning or learning. How many times have each of us learned valuable life lessons from doing the task incorrectly. I know I learned some VERY valuable lessons at the Lacamas Valley sheepdog trial. Reward the the good, focus on the task at hand, and practice, practice, practice. Their blog closed with a quote that I will keep close to my heart as step into the Pro-Novice class.
"You never know who will be watching you as you compete for your dreams - so always act like a Champion, win or lose. Because at the end of the day, the people you meet and inspire will mean more than the trophies that gather dust on your mantle." Posted to their blog by Lanny Basham
I couldn't agree more.
Zeke and I will be moving to Pro-Novice for sheepdog trials here this winter. I'm a little nervous but I know I'm not the first one to do this and most certainly not the last. Pull up yer boot straps, it's time to make progress girlfriend! I am a big fan of positive thinking (thanks mom & dad) I love looking forward to what the future holds. You don't get anywhere by standing still.
I read the Mental Management newsletter and really enjoyed the article on competition this month. It's not about winning or losing, it's winning or learning. How many times have each of us learned valuable life lessons from doing the task incorrectly. I know I learned some VERY valuable lessons at the Lacamas Valley sheepdog trial. Reward the the good, focus on the task at hand, and practice, practice, practice. Their blog closed with a quote that I will keep close to my heart as step into the Pro-Novice class.
"You never know who will be watching you as you compete for your dreams - so always act like a Champion, win or lose. Because at the end of the day, the people you meet and inspire will mean more than the trophies that gather dust on your mantle." Posted to their blog by Lanny Basham
I couldn't agree more.
A little down time
Today I am relaxing and enjoying the day with my pups at home. Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival is over for 2010, a huge amount of work for all volunteers involved but I believe that's what makes it a great festival.
I am starting a new knitting project. I am very excited as I will be using my own handspun yarn. I purchased the pattern from Michelle at Toots LeBlanc & Co. http://www.tootsleblanc.com/ She was very helpful in picking out a pattern that would be complimentary for my handspun and for this sometimes easily confused knitter. A Victorian Shoulderette by Sivia Harding Knit Design was what went home with me. I am working on the 14th row and it's flying. This is very exciting as my last knitting project could have been measured in years, not weeks. The fiber I am using is our own mills creation. Our lovely luxury batts. Spun worsted and made of Merino, Alpaca, Mohair and Silk. It was a dream to spin and it is fabulous to knit.
Check out the cute knit markers I found at Salem's newest knit shop called Tangled Purls. Aren't they the cutest! The pattern called for a unique knit marker, I do believe this will do the trick. I will also add the gals at Tangled Purls are very helpful with pattern reading. Go check them out and support our local yarn shop! tangledpurls.blogspot.com
I am starting a new knitting project. I am very excited as I will be using my own handspun yarn. I purchased the pattern from Michelle at Toots LeBlanc & Co. http://www.tootsleblanc.com/ She was very helpful in picking out a pattern that would be complimentary for my handspun and for this sometimes easily confused knitter. A Victorian Shoulderette by Sivia Harding Knit Design was what went home with me. I am working on the 14th row and it's flying. This is very exciting as my last knitting project could have been measured in years, not weeks. The fiber I am using is our own mills creation. Our lovely luxury batts. Spun worsted and made of Merino, Alpaca, Mohair and Silk. It was a dream to spin and it is fabulous to knit.
Check out the cute knit markers I found at Salem's newest knit shop called Tangled Purls. Aren't they the cutest! The pattern called for a unique knit marker, I do believe this will do the trick. I will also add the gals at Tangled Purls are very helpful with pattern reading. Go check them out and support our local yarn shop! tangledpurls.blogspot.com
Sunday, September 5, 2010
New chapters started.....
Today marked an important day in Tweed's life. Today he got his first taste of sheep herding. He did great, from what I hear all the pups from this litter are doing great things! Lora and Kathy should be very proud of the pups!.....I know I am and I had nothing to do with it! :)
I didn't know the herding bug could bite me twice, I am here to tell ya it can! I am very much looking forward to Tweed's journey. For now, here is a shot of what Tweed looks like after his go on sheep. Sorry folks, I forgot to get out my camera while he was working!
Zeke had a great day as well. He and I are working on some foundational items. I swear Zeke understands more than he lets on, don't all border collies?
I am working on getting comfortable with Zeke driving further. I don't know why, but I get a little nervous as he gets further from me. I am sure it's just my lack of experience. So practice, build on our successes and practice some more. I'll get there, I can't let Zeke down. I am also working on my corrections. I have a nasty habit of going to the big harsh correction first off, I gotta get out of that habit fast! I've also been working on my herding whistles so I can move Zeke's commands from verbal to whistle. I've gotten past blowing spit outta the whistle and at home I can knock out an OK version of happy birthday..... I hope that won't change when I get to the field, if it does... practice, practice and more practice!
Zeke's to do list is to make his inside flanks clean and last but certainly not least..... lie down means lie down....ALL THE TIME. We ain't play'n horse shoes or hand grenades here, so Zeke, listen! Close does not count! Again, practice, practice, build on the good and practice some more....Are you seeing a pattern here?
Throughout this weekend I've done what I enjoy and love dearly...It is a wonderful blessing. I am truly thankful for every minute I get to enjoy on this great earth and in the greatest nation.
I didn't know the herding bug could bite me twice, I am here to tell ya it can! I am very much looking forward to Tweed's journey. For now, here is a shot of what Tweed looks like after his go on sheep. Sorry folks, I forgot to get out my camera while he was working!
Sleepy Tweedy |
I am working on getting comfortable with Zeke driving further. I don't know why, but I get a little nervous as he gets further from me. I am sure it's just my lack of experience. So practice, build on our successes and practice some more. I'll get there, I can't let Zeke down. I am also working on my corrections. I have a nasty habit of going to the big harsh correction first off, I gotta get out of that habit fast! I've also been working on my herding whistles so I can move Zeke's commands from verbal to whistle. I've gotten past blowing spit outta the whistle and at home I can knock out an OK version of happy birthday..... I hope that won't change when I get to the field, if it does... practice, practice and more practice!
Zeke's to do list is to make his inside flanks clean and last but certainly not least..... lie down means lie down....ALL THE TIME. We ain't play'n horse shoes or hand grenades here, so Zeke, listen! Close does not count! Again, practice, practice, build on the good and practice some more....Are you seeing a pattern here?
Zeke is such a ham! |
Jammin' and Smokin' Weekend
From Greensbridge Farm - Go there!!! They got great produce!! |
- Blackberry Dark Chocolate
- Peach Melba (White Peach and Red Raspberry)
- Wild Blackberry
flat of Blackberries I picked |
Of course I can't do just one type of cooking, heavens that might get boring. I smoked chicken and a picnic pork roast. Mmm! It was really hard to stay out of that! In all of that I did find time and extra blackberries to make a blackberry cobbler. Still got that bug biting me hard so I will make Smoked Chicken & Pork Enchiladas for bible study Wednesday night. Let's hope that like 'em!
Smoked Picnic Pork Roast |
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Until we see you again....
Last Sunday Doug and I let Spike go to the Rainbow bridge.
I love that little dog with all of my heart.
He took his first breathe of life at my house over 15 years ago and I was with him as he took his last. Loosing Spike has hit me so hard. It was the right thing to do, I believe that with all of my being....it's the hole in my heart that will take time to heal.... I hope my keyboard is waterproof.
I love that little dog with all of my heart.
He took his first breathe of life at my house over 15 years ago and I was with him as he took his last. Loosing Spike has hit me so hard. It was the right thing to do, I believe that with all of my being....it's the hole in my heart that will take time to heal.... I hope my keyboard is waterproof.
I've been going through our pictures, it's hard to pick which to post. I thought there is not a better way to celebrate Spike than to post pictures of my little Spiker doodles, Poobah & Noodle head.... Oh the nicknames that little dog picked up over the years.
Chloe, Spike & Wylie

Spike 10 weeks

Until we meet again, keep the sheep safe in heaven, ask Junie Bug for help and listen to Chloe, she is your mother...... I love you Spikey
Friday, July 2, 2010
Cuddly Moments and Some Spinning
Dare I say that Tweed might be growing up just a little. Tweed has been crawling up into my lap and cuddling with me in the evenings. It is really quite nice at the end of a busy day to have a pup cuddle up in your arms. What a sweety he is.

I thoroughly enjoy spending time spinning yarn, I currently am unable to spin using my wheel. I am still impaired from the car accident. Not wanting to be hobbyless, I wandered around the Black Sheep Gathering and I found a vendor I had not seen before. Jenkins, they hand make beautiful tiny Turkish Drop Spindles. I couldn't resist trying to see if I could spin using one of these beauties. The kind people at Jenkins showed me how to spin without hurting my arm! I am so tickled to report that I have spun my first skein of 100% alpaca yarn and it was a dream!!! I take my new drop spindle with me where ever I go. It's amazing how much you can spin waiting for doctor appts or on my breaks at lunch. Thank you Jenkins for a perfectly balanced drop spindle and Cascade Shadow Alpacas for the most scrumptious alpaca I've had my hands on. My plan for this yarn is to make a lace shawl, I'll combine it with my black angora bunny fiber. That will be heaven in my hands!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I'll start with this...this is one big post. I'm usually not this wordy, but I felt compelled to put what I am experiencing. I've learned life can be great and fun, it also isn't always easy, and sometimes it's just down right difficult.....this is one of "those" times.
I spent my morning time with Spike, my Sheltie and oldest dog. He turned 15 in May. His health is failing quickly in many ways. Last year he was diagnosed with Cushings disease. The most obvious sign he shows is he is unable to grow hair back, his skin is constantly flaky and he has a hard time healing if he gets a scratch. I can only imagine that he has to itch like crazy. We give him baths to help soothe his skin. I just pray he doesn't loose too much more hair. He was known in his litter as the Sheltie with enough coat for two. To see him now with a little more than his top coat is very sad. Spike has been such a trooper his whole life. He got pnuemonia when he was younger from trying to save me from the dreaded sprinkler in the yard. He also has been hypo-thryridic for 10 years and that has brought its own share of troubles to his life. Through it all he has lived with enthusiasm.
We've had an incredible journey with Spike. He and his 5 other litter mates were born at my home to Chloe when I was 20. That was an experience I'll never forget and always cherish. I enjoy his tenacity and his hard head, I'll admit it frustrated me in his younger years. What I lacked in experience then was I needed to understand where he was coming from. I picked him out of the litter for many reasons, but the one that sticks out today is when I had put them on ducks at 10 weeks old. In a word...ciaos! He had cornered the ducks and was not going to let them go. One of the ducks, named Pirate, yes, he had a black patch over his eye to go with that name, decided to give this fluffy overly bossy pup a talking to. So there they were, Spike and Pirate engaging in which I am quite sure was trash talking between the species. I imagine that Spike was saying something like your quack is broken and your mother was a goose or whatever a duck would find insulting. I went in and removed him from the pen and he was still telling that scally wag of a duck where he could go. Oh Spike, you do always have to get the last word in.
We played Flyball for 5 years and this is where I learned that positive/clicker training worked so much better with the Shelties than what we had been doing. As I am sure you can guess they weren't the fastest dogs, Chloe and Spike, but they did it with grace and beauty. Too bad that didn't get the team extra points. We all relished being apart of a team and working together, good times we had, good times.
A couple of young rescue dogs graced our home....I must add, and smelled it up at the same time. You don’t have a dog with generalized demadetic mange and not smell it! Spike didn’t care that you could see more skin than hair. He showed them they could play, what a great little ambassador he was for them. He would impatiently wait for me to put on the rescue dog’s winter coats before a walk, he lived for our walks.
Life throws curve balls, and I am no exception, a job offer came my way and we moved to Oregon. All the dogs love our place, space to run, tons to explore and smell. Our first few days here Spike was nose to the ground to smell every cat, squirrel, and anything else that crossed through our yard. What a blessed opportunity we could give our companions.
I have been unable to engage in my regular hobbies as I was in a car accident about 5 weeks ago. No herding, no yoga, nothing active.....driving me nuts is what it has done. Ahhh but that story is for another day. A friend had informed me of a T-Touch class going on and left the message of surely you can come sit and listen. I had heard of it before but didn’t know any particulars. I thought can’t hurt to hear more about it. It’s therapy via touch. It’s more complicated than that but for this entry I’ll leave it at that. I found the class and it’s participants very interesting. All had different experiences & reasons that brought them to this class but all were coming for the same outcome. To be able to deepen their bond with their canine(s). Spike ended up being one of the demo dogs and I believe he enjoyed it, he seems a little perkier today. I can’t say if it was for sure the class or the fact that he got to go for a ride and check out a new place. It’s all good in my view to see my little man enjoying life more than he has been.
I think back to all the cherished moments I have enjoyed and the ones I am still afforded by having Spike in my life, my only request would be that our canine companions live longer. Its far too soon when they leave us. This is not meant to be an obituary....I go in and out of being able to talk about it. I find myself needing more quiet time to think, reflect and listen to what the right thing to do is. I am taking time for myself to sit and reflect on all we’ve been through and were his health is at today. This is how I am prepping myself to deal with the very real question that Doug and I will most likely have to answer sooner than we want to...when little buddy, is the right time for you to go.
How do you say good bye to a loving companion......I don't think I will say good bye....I will say I'll see you again my friend and until we meet once more, know that I did my absolute best to give you all the love and care possible.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tons to update
Zeke and I went to sheepdog clinic the previous weekend and had an absolute ball. We are really starting to click as a team. I came home well pleased with our progress and a few items I need to work on. It's a beautiful thing to see the border collie work, they are an incredibly talented canine. Below are a few shots of Zekie at work.
On the fowl front

You might remember Jessica. The above picture is her at 1 week old, last year
Jessica now at 1 year with a whole bunch of her own babies!
My mom went out to look at our critters and found Jessica doing her best to cover up the little cuties. Our plans changed a little for the day as I needed to secure the ducklings so they didn't wander into the yard and become something other than ducklings. My mom thought it was the best mother's day gift ever! Good job Jessica!
I can't forget to highlight my other two mommas here at the Jackson Corral
Maran momma and her 4 chicks - one is under her to keep warm.
Keep your fingers crossed they are all pullets!!!
And last but not least Freeloader and her beautiful baby

Enjoy the pictures and thank you for joining me...I truly believe life is best savoured when shared with the ones you love.
I can't forget to highlight my other two mommas here at the Jackson Corral
Maran momma and her 4 chicks - one is under her to keep warm.
Keep your fingers crossed they are all pullets!!!
Enjoy the pictures and thank you for joining me...I truly believe life is best savoured when shared with the ones you love.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Pictures, pictures and more pictures
Yesterday was a fabulous day and I captured a few of the critters having fun!
Freeloader and her 1 week old chick - she is a very good mom....and a wee bit protective. I filled the feeder and waterer and then she decided she would whack me with all she had. Such a thankful chicken...
Freeloader and her 1 week old chick - she is a very good mom....and a wee bit protective. I filled the feeder and waterer and then she decided she would whack me with all she had. Such a thankful chicken...
Wylie, Zeke and Tweed - just waiting for me to kick the ball
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Yet another surprise at the Jackson Corral.
Saturday morning I stepped out onto my deck to do my chores and what do I hear right underneath me???? A very loud peep, peep, peep, peep. I thought oh dear, which one of my critters has made a nest under my deck. I was trying to recall which duck or chicken I hadn’t seen in awhile, approximately 28 days. I couldn’t think of any that had “gone missing”. I certainly had and still have some acting very broody, ‘tis the season I say. I quickly popped back into the house to find a bright flashlight to peek through the deck slats. A funny sight for sure, I am quite certain my husband got a laugh at me peering through the slats. Sure enough I could see a little fuzzy chick not much bigger than a golf ball peeping it’s little heart out. This will give me my opportunity to find out whom the momma is. There she was, all puffed up and was very chatty when anyone went close to the deck. Of all the chickens I have, I would not have guessed that Free Loader would have been the mom. She ran back under the deck to be with her baby. So I wait, and wait, and wait to see if she would come out. No deal. She waited until the next day to bring out her little fuzzy chick.
Making your nest under my deck is not safe from predators nor does it make me happy, not that Free Loader cares, as now I have to go fish out the eggs that didn’t hatch. I can tell you, it doesn’t smell great.
Intro to Free Loader
For the record this wasn’t a chicken I purchased. She just showed up and adopted us 5 years ago. She was hanging out with a band of feral turkeys that roam around Talbot. Apparently the Jackson Corral offered accommodations that better suited her, and so she stayed. She has only laid eggs in our yard a handful of times. Usually my neighbors have called and informed me they found her clutch of eggs in various spots, like the ducting to my neighbors wood shop, in behind the hedge or in my husband work bench. That was my favorite. She was sitting there on the second shelf of a tall work bench looking like she belonged there. Oh she is a silly bird. There is no containing her, she is crafty (for a chicken), very light bodied and can fly up and over my 5 foot fence that keeps the fowl in and the dogs out.
For the record this wasn’t a chicken I purchased. She just showed up and adopted us 5 years ago. She was hanging out with a band of feral turkeys that roam around Talbot. Apparently the Jackson Corral offered accommodations that better suited her, and so she stayed. She has only laid eggs in our yard a handful of times. Usually my neighbors have called and informed me they found her clutch of eggs in various spots, like the ducting to my neighbors wood shop, in behind the hedge or in my husband work bench. That was my favorite. She was sitting there on the second shelf of a tall work bench looking like she belonged there. Oh she is a silly bird. There is no containing her, she is crafty (for a chicken), very light bodied and can fly up and over my 5 foot fence that keeps the fowl in and the dogs out.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Zekie's Sheepdog Cam
Doug and I fitted Zeke with a camera in the hopes that we could see what Zeke sees when he is herding. This short clip is working ducks, i will admit not the best footage..... I think we were all getting a little tired, minus Zeke of course, by the time we got some acceptable footage. I lost track how many times we had to film until getting just the right angle for the camera on his head. We used felt, foam, a head strap, velcro, tape.....and the list goes on. Don't worry, all of what we used weighed less than 2 oz. Zeke didn't even know it was on his head once I sent him to work ducks.
Now that we have this, I can assure you there will be more Zekes' eye view videos
Now that we have this, I can assure you there will be more Zekes' eye view videos
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The waiting is over!
The waiting is finally over.....Bonnie, my mallard call duck hatched 4 cutie pies. The whole family of law breaking ducks, Bonnie, Clyde and the ducklings had slipped under the kennel door and were found swimming in a large puddle in our yard.
The babies are just a little bigger than ping pong balls. So very sweet!

The babies are just a little bigger than ping pong balls. So very sweet!
On to the Marans, my Blue Splash Maran hen is now only sitting on 2, count 'em 2 eggs. Smarts do NOT run in this line of chickens.
What do yo get when a hen makes her nest at the edge a top of hay bales and likes to actively scoot her eggs around her nest.
Answer: All your eggs fall to the ground and only a few are left in your nest.
I rearranged the once dog kennel, now chicken jail, to have two nesting spots where the hens cannot accidently shove their eggs over the edge of a hay bale. Silly chickens!
After all that, I come back later in the day to see how the hens are liking their somewhat new digs and whom do I spy in the nesting area, the one, the only, Dumpling, my rooster. Oh heavens! Are you going to lay eggs now ?
It's now my favorite saying....there is never a dull moment at the Jacksons'!
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