Sunday, April 29, 2012

All good things.....and a chuckle for today

This is for my jet setting, world traveling, LA living friend Lori L.  I better hear you laughing on this one, I know I won't live this list down  :)

My list of to do's
  • Bake a birthday dessert from scratch.... Peach & Cherry Frangipane Tart
  • Repair fencing on my sheep ranch
  • Work my border collies on sheep
  • Colored my hair, my stylist is outta town
  • Do two loads of laundry
  • Take pictures of Stu, the hottest rooster in Talbot (he made me add that)
  • Knitted for an hour with my sheeps wool on a winter sweater

Stewey, Blue Copper Maran Rooster

He just loves to have his picture taken.  He actually stopped so that I could take these shots

 What a camera hog!

What a ham bone

I couldn't resist taking some shots of this little cutie either.  This is Sally, our latest family member.  She is my Shetland sheep herder extrodinare.  She has my sheep's number like no other.  Grace, smarts, clever and the cutest beauty marks on her sweet little face.  My sheep don't think she's so sweet, but that is their problem.  I encouraged them to make a complaint to farm management :)

Humor me a little as I imagine a conversation that Sally and I would have after sheep herding today

Sally:  [Sigh]....Are you taking pictures again?

Charlotte: Yes, Sally I should get used to it

Sally: Did you at least get my cute side? 

Charlotte: Sally, all of your sides are cute!!!

Sally: Oh yeah, I forgot! Silly me!!! Hey, the sheep wanted to know where the complaint box was

Charlotte: What did you tell them? 

Sally:  I told them Tweed shredded it.   :)

Charlotte: Lovely, Sal

Does it get more adorable than this little sweetie????

And of course, here is the Peach Cherry Frangipane Tart....Just for your Lori L.

Finnoulla and her little baby, I always love her little babes

Life is not only good, it's darned fabulous.  Savoring all the good things that I am blessed with. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shiner for Charlotte?

Let's start with this..... I sure hope this doesn't turn into a shiner.  With an opening like that, who could walk away from this story?   

Well, I can't take 100% credit for this little stunt.  Here is how it started.

 I pull up to the farm today and see that I have a few escapees in the big field. I might add this is where the babies AREN'T supposed to be.  They are to be with their moms in a different field.  Try as I may, I am no sheepdog, and failed miserable at getting the 3 lambs back into the correct field.  Off the to the truck I go to fetch my red dog.  Ok Zeke, its time to work lambs.  I have to say he did a good job, mostly patient, he had a hard time undestanding why I didn't want the entire flock.  In hindsight that might have been easier, but I thought if I could just get the lambs close enough to the OPEN gate I was holding they would go in.  HA, HA HA.  What a freakin' joke that thought was. Not only do the lambs think Zeke is there friend, they are deathly afraid of me.   Who knew!!!  Great time to find that out!  So, plan B is put into place.  Corner said lambs in barn without getting trampled by the rest of the flock.  I was doing well until one little black lamb made a running jump and flew into my face.  Knocking me almost on my backside, but I caught the little stinker and put the attacker back in the appropriate pen.  Me holding my face, I could feel the swelling almost immediately.  GREAT!  My only thoughts were, tomorrow I have an important meeting to go to at work. I really don't want to have to explain how I got a shiner from a 15 lb lamb. So here's to hoping it won't turn into a black eye. Ohhhh, the things I do to myself. 

Sorry no pictures on this one  :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Baby Lambs of 2012

 Midnight's Baby Girls

Ghosty Girl's Baby Girls - shetland x bfl

Here are just a few of the lambs from this year.  More to come as they sign up for their "photo shoot"